Ghostbusters: Slime City Review

By bmgraoos on

Ghostbusters: Slime City Review

As there is a new Ghostbuster movie coming in to our theaters we also get a new Ghostbuster game, Ghostbuster: Slime City. Sometimes games based on movie titles are pretty good but unfortunately, this is not really the case.
This game is a pretty good example of film advertising made through games. Pretty much the only thing that this game has in common with the movies or the cartoons is the fact that is set in New York City that has been overrun by ghosts. The game features a pretty nice a new thing: a city builder combined with shooting galleries.

Ghostbusters: Slime City Review – Graphics & Sound

The things that really shines in Ghostbuster: Slime City are the design and the graphics. The colors are very lively and vibrant, the character models and the environments are cartoony looking and stylized and the sounds and particle effects are also pretty remarkable. Pretty much all of the spooks you’re gonna bustin’ are drawn in 2D but they actually look really nice, but only the developers know why some ghosts are in 3D while others are only in 2D.


There’s a so much to do while the Manhattan is haunted. In order to make money you can purchase buildings or you can unlock and complete some challenging contracts that offer you pretty nice rewards. Also you can upgrade your buildings so they can generate more money. Also you can upgrade your proton pack. In addition you can explore the map in order to find gold. In some occasions you can find the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man who is wandering around Central Park and you can make fun of him. You can even forcely feed Silmer with hotdogs to get some extra cash.

Ghostbusters: Slime City – Gameplay

The bad things are in the actual gameplay. There isn’t enough explanation about the game though, for example there’s no exact explanation about cards and what they’re for. Also you have no health recharging, at first it sounds pretty nice because it’s challenging but overtime you will find out that using stamina before every mission is not enough. It really depends on how good of a player you are. If you’re a good player this will be no problem for you probably but as you will choose higher difficulties you will find it hard to survive. You will end up having to wait before taking on a mission. If you could dodge the gooey junk that the ghosts throw at you it could be much easier but it’s hard to distinguish what’s being thrown at you when there’s a million colors and lights twisting around.

Ghostbusters: Slime City Review – Conclusions

In conclusion the Ghostbusters: Slime City is a pretty cool concept but in order to be really enjoyable it really needs some more tweaking. Currently it is more frustrating than fun and no game should be like that really.


  • Looks fantastic
  • A good number of little activities to do


  • Way too difficult to avoid taking damage
  • Health recharging creates some problems


Graphics - 8
Sound - 8
Originality - 7

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